Introduction to Computer Science in Python - Outline | CodeHS (2024)

Table of Contents
1.1 Welcome 2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle 2.2 Tracy's Grid World 2.3 Turning Tracy 2.4 For Loops 2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles 2.6 Comments 2.7 Naming Guidelines 2.8 Functions 2.9 Artistic Effects 2.10 Top Down Design 2.11 Variables 2.12 User Input 2.13 Parameters 2.14 Using i in For Loops 2.15 Extended Loop Control 2.16 If Statements 2.17 If/ Else Statements 2.18 While Loops 2.19 Putting Together Control Structures 2.20 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz 3.1 Printing in Python 3.2 Variables and Types 3.3 User Input 3.4 Mathematical Operators 3.5 String Operators 3.6 Comments 3.7 Basic Python and Console Interaction Quiz 4.1 Booleans 4.2 If Statements 4.3 Comparison Operators 4.4 Logical Operators 4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding 4.6 Conditionals Quiz 5.1 While Loops 5.2 For Loops 5.3 Break and Continue 5.4 Nested Control Structures 5.5 Looping Quiz 6.1 Functions 6.2 Functions and Parameters 6.3 Namespaces in Functions 6.4 Functions and Return Values 6.5 Exceptions 6.6 Functions Quiz 7.1 Indexing 7.2 Slicing 7.3 Immutability 7.4 Strings and For Loops 7.5 The in Keyword 7.6 String Methods 7.7 Strings Quiz 8.1 Tuples 8.2 Lists 8.3 For Loops and Lists 8.4 List Methods 8.5 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz 9.1 2d Lists 9.2 List Comprehensions 9.3 Packing and Unpacking 9.4 Dictionaries 9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity 9.6 Extending Data Structures Quiz 10.1 Project: Guess the Word 10.2 Intro to Computer Science in Python Completed 11.1 Final Exam 12.1 Classes and Objects 12.2 Methods 12.3 Built-In Methods 12.4 Operator Overloading 12.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables 12.6 Inheritance 12.7 Hidden Attributes 12.8 Namespaces 12.9 Modules 12.10 Classes and Objects Quiz 13.1 Advanced Challenges with Tracy 14.1 Midterm 15.1 Short Circuit Evaluation 15.2 De Morgan's Laws 15.3 Abstraction 15.4 Adding Text 16.1 Project: Who Said It? 17.1 Creating the Canvas 17.2 Shapes and Attributes 17.3 Creating Graphics Using Variables 17.4 Using Functions in Graphics 17.5 Using Loops in Graphics 17.6 Graphics Challenges 18.1 Let's Build Mastermind 19.1 Calculating Area 19.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value 19.3 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value 21.1 Using Requests 22.1 Creating Text & Lines 22.2 Creating Shapes 22.3 Creating Graphics Using Variables 22.4 Using Functions in Graphics 22.5 Using Loops in Graphics 22.6 Graphics Challenges 23.1 Welcome to AP CSP 23.2 Introduction to Programming With Karel 23.3 More Basic Karel 23.4 Karel Can't Turn Right 23.5 Functions in Karel 23.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel 23.7 Commenting Your Code 23.8 Abstraction 23.9 Super Karel 23.10 For Loops 23.11 If Statements 23.12 If/Else Statements 23.13 While Loops in Karel 23.14 Control Structures Example 23.15 Debugging Strategies 23.16 Algorithms 23.17 Ultra Karel 23.18 Karel Challenges 23.19 Introduction to Programming Quiz 24.1 Practice #1: Basic Python and Console Interactions 24.2 Practice #2: Conditionals 24.3 Practice #3: Looping 24.4 Practice #4: Strings 24.5 Practice #5: Functions and Exceptions 24.6 Practice #6: Data Structures FAQs
  1. 1.1 Welcome

  2. Video 1.1.1 Welcome

  3. Free Response 1.1.2 Welcome

  4. Video 1.1.3 Course Content Overview

  1. 2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle

  2. Video 2.1.1 Intro to Tracy

  3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Intro to Tracy

  4. Example 2.1.3 Slinky

  5. Exercise 2.1.4 Stretched Slinky

  6. 2.2 Tracy's Grid World

  7. Video 2.2.1 Tracy's Grid World

  8. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 Tracy's Grid World

  9. Example 2.2.3 Dashed Line

  10. Exercise 2.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line

  11. Exercise 2.2.5 Caterpillar

  12. Badge 2.2.6 Grid World Badge

  13. 2.3 Turning Tracy

  14. Video 2.3.1 Turning Tracy

  15. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Turning Tracy

  16. Example 2.3.3 Square

  17. Example 2.3.4 X and Y Axes

  18. Exercise 2.3.5 Rectangle

  19. Exercise 2.3.6 4 Columns

  20. 2.4 For Loops

  21. Video 2.4.1 For Loops

  22. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 For Loops

  23. Example 2.4.3 Square Using Loops

  24. Example 2.4.4 Dotted Line

  25. Exercise 2.4.5 Row of Circles

  26. Exercise 2.4.6 4 Columns 2.0

  27. Badge 2.4.7 Looping Badge

  28. 2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles

  29. Video 2.5.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles

  30. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles

  31. Example 2.5.3 Asterisk

  32. Example 2.5.4 Four Circles

  33. Exercise 2.5.5 Hexagon

  34. Exercise 2.5.6 'X' Marks the Spot

  35. Exercise 2.5.7 Circle Pyramid

  36. 2.6 Comments

  37. Video 2.6.1 Comments

  38. Check for Understanding 2.6.2 Comments

  39. Example 2.6.3 Four Circles with Comments

  40. Exercise 2.6.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments

  41. 2.7 Naming Guidelines

  42. Video 2.7.1 Naming Guidelines

  43. Check for Understanding 2.7.2 Naming Guidelines

  44. 2.8 Functions

  45. Video 2.8.1 Functions

  46. Check for Understanding 2.8.2 Functions

  47. Example 2.8.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks

  48. Exercise 2.8.4 Beaded Bracelet

  49. Exercise 2.8.5 Shape Stack

  50. Badge 2.8.6 Functions Badge

  51. 2.9 Artistic Effects

  52. Video 2.9.1 Artistic Effects

  53. Check for Understanding 2.9.2 Artistic Effects

  54. Example 2.9.3 Rainbow Octagon

  55. Example 2.9.4 Circle Square Triangle

  56. Exercise 2.9.5 Four Colored Triangles

  57. Exercise 2.9.6 Colorful Bracelet

  58. Challenge 2.9.7 Kid's Shapes Toy

  59. 2.10 Top Down Design

  60. Video 2.10.1 Top Down Design

  61. Check for Understanding 2.10.2 Top Down Design

  62. Example 2.10.3 Bubble Wrap

  63. Exercise 2.10.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0

  64. Exercise 2.10.5 Sidewalk

  65. 2.11 Variables

  66. Video 2.11.1 Variables

  67. Check for Understanding 2.11.2 Variables

  68. Example 2.11.3 Increasing Length

  69. Exercise 2.11.4 Dartboard

  70. Exercise 2.11.5 Line of Increasing Blocks

  71. 2.12 User Input

  72. Video 2.12.1 User Input

  73. Check for Understanding 2.12.2 User Input

  74. Example 2.12.3 Color Coded Increasing Length

  75. Exercise 2.12.4 Colored Dartboard

  76. Exercise 2.12.5 Four Corners

  77. Badge 2.12.6 User Input Badge

  78. 2.13 Parameters

  79. Video 2.13.1 Parameters

  80. Check for Understanding 2.13.2 Parameters

  81. Example 2.13.3 Concentric Circles

  82. Exercise 2.13.4 Colorful Caterpillar

  83. Exercise 2.13.5 Circle in a Square

  84. Exercise 2.13.6 Snowman

  85. 2.14 Using i in For Loops

  86. Video 2.14.1 Using i in For Loops

  87. Check for Understanding 2.14.2 Using i in For Loops

  88. Example 2.14.3 Geometry

  89. Exercise 2.14.4 Geometry 2.0

  90. 2.15 Extended Loop Control

  91. Video 2.15.1 Extended Loop Control

  92. Check for Understanding 2.15.2 Extended Loop Control

  93. Example 2.15.3 Square Swirl

  94. Exercise 2.15.4 Dartboard using i

  95. Exercise 2.15.5 Phone Signal

  96. Badge 2.15.6 Master of i Badge

  97. 2.16 If Statements

  98. Video 2.16.1 If Statements

  99. Check for Understanding 2.16.2 If Statements

  100. Example 2.16.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks

  101. Exercise 2.16.4 Happy Face

  102. Exercise 2.16.5 Black and White Squares

  103. 2.17 If/ Else Statements

  104. Video 2.17.1 If/Else Statements

  105. Check for Understanding 2.17.2 If/Else Statements

  106. Example 2.17.3 Positive, Negative, Zero

  107. Exercise 2.17.4 Rating

  108. Exercise 2.17.5 Happy/ Sad Face

  109. 2.18 While Loops

  110. Video 2.18.1 While Loops

  111. Check for Understanding 2.18.2 While Loops

  112. Example 2.18.3 Increasing Circles

  113. Exercise 2.18.4 Increasing Squares

  114. Exercise 2.18.5 Guess a Number

  115. Badge 2.18.6 Conditionals Badge

  116. Survey 2.18.7 Mindset Survey 1

  117. 2.19 Putting Together Control Structures

  118. Video 2.19.1 Putting Together Control Structures

  119. Check for Understanding 2.19.2 Putting Together Control Structures

  120. Example 2.19.3 Block Pyramid

  121. Exercise 2.19.4 Guess a Number 2.0

  122. Exercise 2.19.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0

  123. Challenge 2.19.6 Checkerboard

  124. Badge 2.19.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge

  125. 2.20 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz

  126. Quiz 2.20.1 Putting It All Together Quiz

  127. Badge 2.20.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge

  1. 3.1 Printing in Python

  2. Video 3.1.1 Printing in Python

  3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Printing in Python

  4. Example 3.1.3 Hello, world!

  5. Example 3.1.4 Printing Multiple Lines

  6. Exercise 3.1.5 Introduce Yourself

  7. Debugging 3.1.6 Fix This Program!

  8. Exercise 3.1.7 Vertical name

  9. 3.2 Variables and Types

  10. Video 3.2.1 Variables and Types

  11. Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Variables and Types

  12. Example 3.2.3 Variables in Action

  13. Example 3.2.4 Variable Types

  14. Example 3.2.5 Variable Naming

  15. Exercise 3.2.6 Make Some Variables!

  16. Debugging 3.2.7 Undefined Variables

  17. Badge 3.2.8 Variables Badge

  18. 3.3 User Input

  19. Video 3.3.1 User Input

  20. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 User Input

  21. Example 3.3.3 Basic User Input

  22. Example 3.3.4 Type Conversion

  23. Example 3.3.5 Type Conversion, Part 2

  24. Exercise 3.3.6 Hello <name>

  25. Exercise 3.3.7 Age

  26. 3.4 Mathematical Operators

  27. Video 3.4.1 Mathematical Operators

  28. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 Mathematical Operators

  29. Example 3.4.3 Operators and Integers

  30. Example 3.4.4 Operator Precedence

  31. Exercise 3.4.5 Add Parentheses

  32. Example 3.4.6 Division in Python

  33. Example 3.4.7 Operators and Floats

  34. Exercise 3.4.8 Rectangle

  35. 3.5 String Operators

  36. Video 3.5.1 String Operators

  37. Check for Understanding 3.5.2 String Operators

  38. Example 3.5.3 Operators and Strings

  39. Debugging 3.5.4 Fix This Program

  40. Example 3.5.5 Team Sizes

  41. Exercise 3.5.6 Introduce Yourself, Part 2

  42. Exercise 3.5.7 Rectangle, Part 2

  43. Exercise 3.5.8 Rectangle, Part 3

  44. Challenge 3.5.9 Recipe

  45. 3.6 Comments

  46. Video 3.6.1 Comments

  47. Check for Understanding 3.6.2 Comments

  48. Example 3.6.3 Commented Program

  49. Example 3.6.4 Trapezoid

  50. Exercise 3.6.5 Add Comments!

  51. 3.7 Basic Python and Console Interaction Quiz

  52. Unit Quiz 3.7.1 Basic Python and Console Interaction Quiz

  53. Badge 3.7.2 Basic Python and Console Interaction Badge

  1. 4.1 Booleans

  2. Video 4.1.1 Booleans

  3. Check for Understanding 4.1.2 Booleans

  4. Example 4.1.3 Boolean Variables

  5. Debugging 4.1.4 Fix This Program

  6. Exercise 4.1.5 Plants

  7. 4.2 If Statements

  8. Video 4.2.1 If Statements

  9. Check for Understanding 4.2.2 If Statements

  10. Example 4.2.3 Your First If Statement

  11. Example 4.2.4 If/Else Statement

  12. Debugging 4.2.5 Fix This Program

  13. Exercise 4.2.6 Is It Raining?

  14. Badge 4.2.7 Conditional Badge

  15. 4.3 Comparison Operators

  16. Video 4.3.1 Comparison Operators

  17. Check for Understanding 4.3.2 Comparison Operators

  18. Example 4.3.3 Comparison Operators

  19. Example 4.3.4 High Jump

  20. Example 4.3.5 Roller Coaster

  21. Exercise 4.3.6 Old Enough to Vote?

  22. Exercise 4.3.7 Positive, Zero, or Negative?

  23. Example 4.3.8 Age Group

  24. Exercise 4.3.9 Table Reservation

  25. Challenge 4.3.10 Transaction

  26. 4.4 Logical Operators

  27. Video 4.4.1 Logical Operators

  28. Check for Understanding 4.4.2 Logical Operators

  29. Example 4.4.3 Logical Operators

  30. Exercise 4.4.4 Administrators, Teachers, and Students

  31. Exercise 4.4.5 Presidential Eligibility

  32. Challenge 4.4.6 Presidential Eligibility- Extended

  33. 4.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding

  34. Video 4.5.1 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding

  35. Check for Understanding 4.5.2 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding

  36. Example 4.5.3 Rounding Error

  37. Exercise 4.5.4 Correct Portion

  38. 4.6 Conditionals Quiz

  39. Unit Quiz 4.6.1 Conditionals Quiz

  1. 5.1 While Loops

  2. Video 5.1.1 While Loops

  3. Check for Understanding 5.1.2 While Loops

  4. Example 5.1.3 Guess My Number

  5. Example 5.1.4 Program Tracing

  6. Example 5.1.5 Program Tracing, Part 2

  7. Exercise 5.1.6 2 Through 20 Even

  8. Exercise 5.1.7 Divisibility

  9. 5.2 For Loops

  10. Video 5.2.1 For Loops

  11. Check for Understanding 5.2.2 For Loops

  12. Example 5.2.3 Print 10 Numbers

  13. Example 5.2.4 1 Through 10, Part 2

  14. Exercise 5.2.5 Counting 10 to 100 by Tens

  15. Example 5.2.6 Running Total

  16. Example 5.2.7 Running Total, Part 2

  17. Exercise 5.2.8 Average Test Score

  18. Exercise 5.2.9 How Many Names?

  19. Badge 5.2.10 Loops Badge

  20. Survey 5.2.11 Mindset Survey 2

  21. 5.3 Break and Continue

  22. Video 5.3.1 Break and Continue

  23. Check for Understanding 5.3.2 Break and Continue

  24. Example 5.3.3 Break

  25. Example 5.3.4 Continue

  26. Example 5.3.5 Bike Frame Size

  27. Example 5.3.6 Loop and a Half

  28. Exercise 5.3.7 Higher/ Lower

  29. Challenge 5.3.8 Higher / Lower 2.0

  30. 5.4 Nested Control Structures

  31. Video 5.4.1 Nested Control Structures

  32. Check for Understanding 5.4.2 Nested Control Structures

  33. Example 5.4.3 Double For Loop

  34. Example 5.4.4 Average Test Score, Part 2

  35. Example 5.4.5 For Loop + While Loop

  36. Exercise 5.4.6 Rolling Dice

  37. Exercise 5.4.7 Categories

  38. 5.5 Looping Quiz

  39. Unit Quiz 5.5.1 Looping Unit Test

  1. 6.1 Functions

  2. Video 6.1.1 Functions

  3. Check for Understanding 6.1.2 Functions

  4. Example 6.1.3 Greeting

  5. Example 6.1.4 Extended Greeting

  6. Exercise 6.1.5 Weather

  7. 6.2 Functions and Parameters

  8. Video 6.2.1 Functions and Parameters

  9. Check for Understanding 6.2.2 Functions and Parameters

  10. Example 6.2.3 Print a Value

  11. Example 6.2.4 Name and Age

  12. Exercise 6.2.5 Print Product

  13. Exercise 6.2.6 Print Multiple Times

  14. Example 6.2.7 Default Parameter Values

  15. Exercise 6.2.8 Area of a Square with Default Parameters

  16. 6.3 Namespaces in Functions

  17. Video 6.3.1 Namespaces in Functions

  18. Check for Understanding 6.3.2 Namespaces in Functions

  19. Example 6.3.3 Functions and Variables

  20. Example 6.3.4 Functions and Variables, Part 2

  21. Debugging 6.3.5 Fix This Program!

  22. Exercise 6.3.6 Adding to a Value

  23. Exercise 6.3.7 Add, Subtract, or Multiply

  24. 6.4 Functions and Return Values

  25. Video 6.4.1 Functions and Return Values

  26. Check for Understanding 6.4.2 Functions and Return Values

  27. Example 6.4.3 Return 10

  28. Exercise 6.4.4 Add One

  29. Example 6.4.5 Negate

  30. Example 6.4.6 Functions Calling Functions

  31. Example 6.4.7 Function Calls As Parameters

  32. Exercise 6.4.8 Sum Two Numbers

  33. Exercise 6.4.9 Temperature Converter

  34. Badge 6.4.10 Functions Badge

  35. 6.5 Exceptions

  36. Video 6.5.1 Exceptions

  37. Check for Understanding 6.5.2 Exceptions

  38. Example 6.5.3 Enter a Number

  39. Example 6.5.4 Enter Name and Age

  40. Exercise 6.5.5 Temperature Converter, Part 2

  41. Exercise 6.5.6 Enter a Positive Number

  42. 6.6 Functions Quiz

  43. Unit Quiz 6.6.1 Functions and Exceptions Quiz

  44. Badge 6.6.2 Control Flow Badge

  1. 7.1 Indexing

  2. Video 7.1.1 Indexing

  3. Check for Understanding 7.1.2 Indexing

  4. Example 7.1.3 Characters in a String

  5. Video 7.1.4 Unit Tests

  6. Practice 7.1.5 Initials

  7. Practice 7.1.6 Sandwich Sandwiches

  8. 7.2 Slicing

  9. Video 7.2.1 Slicing

  10. Check for Understanding 7.2.2 Slicing

  11. Example 7.2.3 Groups of Characters

  12. Example 7.2.4 String Collage

  13. Example 7.2.5 Room Names

  14. Practice 7.2.6 If You're Not First, You're Last

  15. Practice 7.2.7 Part 1, Replace a Letter

  16. Practice 7.2.8 Part 2, Replace a Letter

  17. Badge 7.2.9 Slicing Badge

  18. 7.3 Immutability

  19. Video 7.3.1 Immutability

  20. Check for Understanding 7.3.2 Immutability

  21. Example 7.3.3 String Immutability

  22. Exercise 7.3.4 Find the Error

  23. 7.4 Strings and For Loops

  24. Video 7.4.1 Strings and For Loops

  25. Check for Understanding 7.4.2 Strings and For Loops

  26. Example 7.4.3 The len Function

  27. Practice 7.4.4 Length of User's Name

  28. Example 7.4.5 String For Loop with Indices

  29. Example 7.4.6 String For Loop with Characters

  30. Exercise 7.4.7 Spelling Bee

  31. Practice 7.4.8 Keeping Count

  32. 7.5 The in Keyword

  33. Video 7.5.1 The in Keyword

  34. Check for Understanding 7.5.2 The in Keyword

  35. Example 7.5.3 Contains a Letter

  36. Example 7.5.4 Contains a Substring

  37. Practice 7.5.5 Contains a Vowel

  38. 7.6 String Methods

  39. Video 7.6.1 String Methods

  40. Check for Understanding 7.6.2 String Methods

  41. Example 7.6.3 upper and lower

  42. Practice 7.6.4 ENTHUSIASM!

  43. Example 7.6.5 swapcase

  44. Example 7.6.6 strip

  45. Example 7.6.7 find

  46. Practice 7.6.8 What's in a Name?

  47. Practice 7.6.9 Part 1, Remove All From String

  48. Exercise 7.6.10 Part 2, Remove All From String

  49. Survey 7.6.11 Mindset Survey 3

  50. 7.7 Strings Quiz

  51. Unit Quiz 7.7.1 Strings Quiz

  52. Badge 7.7.2 Strings Badge

  1. 8.1 Tuples

  2. Video 8.1.1 Tuples

  3. Check for Understanding 8.1.2 Tuples

  4. Example 8.1.3 A Tuple Is a Sequence

  5. Example 8.1.4 A Tuple is Heterogeneous

  6. Example 8.1.5 Tuples With a Single Element

  7. Example 8.1.6 Concatenating Tuples

  8. Exercise 8.1.7 Fix This Tuple

  9. Practice 8.1.8 Citation

  10. Practice 8.1.9 Diving Contest

  11. Practice 8.1.10 Coordinate Pairs

  12. 8.2 Lists

  13. Video 8.2.1 Lists

  14. Check for Understanding 8.2.2 Lists

  15. Example 8.2.3 A List Is Like a Mutable Tuple

  16. Example 8.2.4 String <--> List

  17. Practice 8.2.5 Spell It Out

  18. Example 8.2.6 Splitting a String

  19. Practice 8.2.7 Listed Greeting

  20. Example 8.2.8 List of Tuples, Tuples of Lists

  21. 8.3 For Loops and Lists

  22. Video 8.3.1 For Loops and Lists

  23. Check for Understanding 8.3.2 For Loops and Lists

  24. Example 8.3.3 For Loops and Lists

  25. Example 8.3.4 For Loops and Lists, Part 2

  26. Practice 8.3.5 Max In List

  27. Practice 8.3.6 Owls

  28. Practice 8.3.7 Exclamat!on Po!nts

  29. Challenge 8.3.8 Word Ladder

  30. Challenge 8.3.9 Owls, Part 2

  31. 8.4 List Methods

  32. Video 8.4.1 List Methods

  33. Check for Understanding 8.4.2 List Methods

  34. Example 8.4.3 append and extend

  35. Exercise 8.4.4 How Many Names?

  36. Exercise 8.4.5 Five Numbers

  37. Example 8.4.6 sort

  38. Exercise 8.4.7 Librarian

  39. Example 8.4.8 reverse

  40. Example 8.4.9 count

  41. Example 8.4.10 remove

  42. Practice 8.4.11 Take a Thing Out, Sort It and Reverse It

  43. Challenge 8.4.12 Librarian, Part 2

  44. Badge 8.4.13 Lists Badge

  45. 8.5 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz

  46. Unit Quiz 8.5.1 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz

  1. 9.1 2d Lists

  2. Video 9.1.1 2d Lists

  3. Check for Understanding 9.1.2 2d Lists

  4. Example 9.1.3 A List of Lists

  5. Example 9.1.4 Grid

  6. Example 9.1.5 2d Lists and Slices

  7. Exercise 9.1.6 Checkerboard, v1

  8. Exercise 9.1.7 Checkerboard, v2

  9. Exercise 9.1.8 Checkerboard, v3

  10. Challenge 9.1.9 Tic Tac Toe

  11. 9.2 List Comprehensions

  12. Video 9.2.1 List Comprehensions

  13. Check for Understanding 9.2.2 List Comprehensions

  14. Example 9.2.3 List of Consecutive Numbers

  15. Example 9.2.4 List of Squares

  16. Exercise 9.2.5 Divisible by 3

  17. Example 9.2.6 Digits of Pi

  18. Example 9.2.7 List of Booleans

  19. Exercise 9.2.8 Last Names

  20. Exercise 9.2.9 Strings To Integers

  21. Survey 9.2.10 Mindset Survey 4

  22. 9.3 Packing and Unpacking

  23. Video 9.3.1 Packing and Unpacking

  24. Check for Understanding 9.3.2 Packing and Unpacking

  25. Example 9.3.3 Packing

  26. Example 9.3.4 Unpacking

  27. Example 9.3.5 Unpacking Parameters

  28. Exercise 9.3.6 Coordinate Pair

  29. Exercise 9.3.7 Slopes

  30. Example 9.3.8 Swapping

  31. Exercise 9.3.9 Full Name & Citation

  32. Badge 9.3.10 Packing Badge

  33. 9.4 Dictionaries

  34. Video 9.4.1 Dictionaries

  35. Check for Understanding 9.4.2 Dictionaries

  36. Example 9.4.3 Keys and Values

  37. Example 9.4.4 The in Keyword

  38. Exercise 9.4.5 Phone Book

  39. Exercise 9.4.6 Word Counts

  40. 9.5 Equivalence vs. Identity

  41. Video 9.5.1 Equivalence vs. Identity

  42. Check for Understanding 9.5.2 Equivalence vs. Identity

  43. Example 9.5.3 Equivalence vs. Identity - Mutables

  44. Example 9.5.4 Equivalence vs. Identity - Immutables

  45. Example 9.5.5 Identity and Parameters

  46. Exercise 9.5.6 Swapping

  47. Exercise 9.5.7 Word Counts, Part 2

  48. 9.6 Extending Data Structures Quiz

  49. Unit Quiz 9.6.1 Extending Data Structures Quiz

  50. Badge 9.6.2 Data Structures Badge

  1. 10.1 Project: Guess the Word

  2. Demo 10.1.1 Guess the Word Demo

  3. Exercise 10.1.2 Guess the Word, Part 1

  4. Exercise 10.1.3 Guess the Word, Part 2

  5. Exercise 10.1.4 Guess the Word, Part 3

  6. Exercise 10.1.5 Guess the Word, Part 4

  7. Badge 10.1.6 Guess the Word Badge

  8. 10.2 Intro to Computer Science in Python Completed

  9. Badge 10.2.1 Intro to Computer Science in Python Badge

  1. 11.1 Final Exam

  2. Midterm 11.1.1 Final Exam Pt 1: Multiple Choice

  1. 12.1 Classes and Objects

  2. Video 12.1.1 Classes and Objects

  3. Check for Understanding 12.1.2 Classes and Objects

  4. Example 12.1.3 The Point Class

  5. Exercise 12.1.4 The Rectangle Class, Part 1

  6. Example 12.1.5 The Point Class, Part 2

  7. Exercise 12.1.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 2

  8. 12.2 Methods

  9. Video 12.2.1 Methods

  10. Check for Understanding 12.2.2 Methods

  11. Example 12.2.3 The Point Class, Part 3

  12. Example 12.2.4 The Point Class, Part 4

  13. Exercise 12.2.5 The Rectangle Class, Part 3

  14. Exercise 12.2.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 4

  15. 12.3 Built-In Methods

  16. Video 12.3.1 Built-In Methods

  17. Check for Understanding 12.3.2 Built-In Methods

  18. Example 12.3.3 The __repr__ method

  19. Example 12.3.4 The __eq__ method

  20. Example 12.3.5 The Point Class, Part 5

  21. Exercise 12.3.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 5

  22. Exercise 12.3.7 The Rectangle Class, Part 6

  23. Example 12.3.8 Sheet Music

  24. Challenge 12.3.9 Names In a Hat

  25. 12.4 Operator Overloading

  26. Video 12.4.1 Operator Overloading

  27. Check for Understanding 12.4.2 Operator Overloading

  28. Example 12.4.3 The __add__ method

  29. Example 12.4.4 The Point Class, Part 6

  30. Exercise 12.4.5 The Rectangle Class, Part 7

  31. Exercise 12.4.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 8

  32. Exercise 12.4.7 Contact Merge

  33. 12.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables

  34. Video 12.5.1 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables

  35. Check for Understanding 12.5.2 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables

  36. Example 12.5.3 The Point Class, Part 7

  37. Exercise 12.5.4 The Rectangle Class, Part 9

  38. Example 12.5.5 Cars

  39. Exercise 12.5.6 Cars, Part 2

  40. Example 12.5.7 Cars, Part 3

  41. 12.6 Inheritance

  42. Video 12.6.1 Inheritance

  43. Check for Understanding 12.6.2 Inheritance

  44. Example 12.6.3 Animals

  45. Exercise 12.6.4 Food, Part 1

  46. Example 12.6.5 Animals with Lists

  47. Exercise 12.6.6 Food , Part 2

  48. 12.7 Hidden Attributes

  49. Video 12.7.1 Hidden Attributes

  50. Check for Understanding 12.7.2 Hidden Attributes

  51. Example 12.7.3 Secret Instance Variable

  52. Exercise 12.7.4 Only Even Rectangles Counted

  53. Example 12.7.5 Level Up

  54. Exercise 12.7.6 Triple and Halve

  55. 12.8 Namespaces

  56. Video 12.8.1 Namespaces

  57. Check for Understanding 12.8.2 Namespaces

  58. Example 12.8.3 Classes

  59. Example 12.8.4 Subclasses

  60. Exercise 12.8.5 Food, Part 3

  61. 12.9 Modules

  62. Video 12.9.1 Modules

  63. Check for Understanding 12.9.2 Modules

  64. Example 12.9.3 Importing Entire Module

  65. Example 12.9.4 Importing Individual Components

  66. Free Response 12.9.5 Benefits of Individual Importing

  67. Exercise 12.9.6 Using the Math Module

  68. 12.10 Classes and Objects Quiz

  69. Unit Quiz 12.10.1 Classes and Objects Unit Test

  70. Badge 12.10.2 Classes and Objects Badge

  1. 13.1 Advanced Challenges with Tracy

  2. Challenge 13.1.1 Half Pyramid

  3. Challenge 13.1.2 Pizza

  4. Challenge 13.1.3 Block Pyramid 2.0

  1. 14.1 Midterm

  2. Final 14.1.1 Intro to Python Midterm Pt. 1- Multiple Choice

  1. 15.1 Short Circuit Evaluation

  2. Video 15.1.1 Short Circuit Evaluation

  3. Check for Understanding 15.1.2 Short Circuit Evaluation

  4. Example 15.1.3 Road Trip

  5. Exercise 15.1.4 Divisibility

  6. Badge 15.1.5 Short Circuit Badge

  7. 15.2 De Morgan's Laws

  8. Video 15.2.1 De Morgan's Laws

  9. Check for Understanding 15.2.2 De Morgan's Laws

  10. Example 15.2.3 De Morgan's Law for AND

  11. Example 15.2.4 De Morgan's Law for OR

  12. Exercise 15.2.5 Amusem*nt Park

  13. 15.3 Abstraction

  14. Video 15.3.1 Abstraction

  15. Check for Understanding 15.3.2 Abstraction

  16. Example 15.3.3 Abstracting Away draw_square()

  17. Free Response 15.3.4 Abstracting Your Day

  18. Free Response 15.3.5 Reflection: Abstraction

  19. Free Response 15.3.6 Abstraction in Tracy

  20. 15.4 Adding Text

  21. Video 15.4.1 Adding Text

  22. Quiz 15.4.2 Adding Text

  23. Example 15.4.3 Concentric Circles with Labels

  24. Exercise 15.4.4 Name your Colorful Caterpillar!

  25. Exercise 15.4.5 Baseball Diagram

  1. 16.1 Project: Who Said It?

  2. Video 16.1.1 File I/O

  3. Check for Understanding 16.1.2 File I/O

  4. Demo 16.1.3 Who Said It? Demo

  5. Exercise 16.1.4 Who Said It? - Part 1

  6. Exercise 16.1.5 Who Said It? - Part 2

  7. Exercise 16.1.6 Who Said It? - Part 3

  8. Exercise 16.1.7 Who Said It? - Part 4

  9. Badge 16.1.8 Who Said It? Badge

  1. 17.1 Creating the Canvas

  2. Video 17.1.1 Creating the Canvas

  3. Check for Understanding 17.1.2 Creating the Canvas

  4. Example 17.1.3 Create the Canvas

  5. Example 17.1.4 X Marks the Spot

  6. Exercise 17.1.5 Tic Tac Toe Board

  7. Exercise 17.1.6 Bubble Letter

  8. 17.2 Shapes and Attributes

  9. Video 17.2.1 Shapes and Attributes

  10. Check for Understanding 17.2.2 Shapes and Attributes

  11. Example 17.2.3 Flag of Japan

  12. Exercise 17.2.4 Flag of Poland

  13. Exercise 17.2.5 Flag of [your choice!]

  14. 17.3 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  15. Video 17.3.1 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  16. Check for Understanding 17.3.2 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  17. Example 17.3.3 Flag of Japan Using Variables

  18. Example 17.3.4 Creating Shapes

  19. Exercise 17.3.5 Snowman

  20. Challenge 17.3.6 Ghost

  21. 17.4 Using Functions in Graphics

  22. Video 17.4.1 Using Functions in Graphics

  23. Check for Understanding 17.4.2 Using Functions in Graphics

  24. Example 17.4.3 Balloons

  25. Exercise 17.4.4 Vertical Lines

  26. Exercise 17.4.5 Stoplight

  27. Challenge 17.4.6 Ghost Invasion

  28. 17.5 Using Loops in Graphics

  29. Video 17.5.1 Using Loops in Graphics

  30. Check for Understanding 17.5.2 Using Loops in Graphics

  31. Example 17.5.3 Phone Signal

  32. Exercise 17.5.4 The Worm

  33. Exercise 17.5.5 Growing Circles

  34. Challenge 17.5.6 Sidewalk

  35. 17.6 Graphics Challenges

  36. Challenge 17.6.1 Block Tower

  1. 18.1 Let's Build Mastermind

  2. Connection 18.1.1 How to Play Mastermind

  3. Demo 18.1.2 Mastermind: Demo

  4. Exercise 18.1.3 Generate Number List

  5. Exercise 18.1.4 Get User Guess

  6. Exercise 18.1.5 Compare User Guess to List

  7. Exercise 18.1.6 Check if User has Won

  8. Exercise 18.1.7 Finish the Game!

  1. 19.1 Calculating Area

  2. Video 19.1.1 Calculating Area

  3. Check for Understanding 19.1.2 Calculating Area

  4. Example 19.1.3 Drawing a Custom Triangle

  5. Exercise 19.1.4 Calculate the Area

  6. 19.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value

  7. Video 19.2.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value

  8. Check for Understanding 19.2.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value

  9. Example 19.2.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles

  10. Exercise 19.2.4 Putting Triangles into Categories

  11. 19.3 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value

  12. Video 19.3.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value

  13. Check for Understanding 19.3.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value

  14. Example 19.3.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles using Variables

  15. Exercise 19.3.4 Using Variables to Calculate Area

  16. Exercise 19.3.5 Putting Triangles into Categories using Variables

  1. 21.1 Using Requests

  2. Exercise 21.1.1 Create a Dictionary

  3. Exercise 21.1.2 Create a Dictionary with Requests

  4. Example 21.1.3 Amazon Best Sellers List

  1. 22.1 Creating Text & Lines

  2. Video 22.1.1 Creating Text & Lines

  3. Quiz 22.1.2 Creating Text & Lines

  4. Example 22.1.3 Hello World

  5. Example 22.1.4 "Tracy"

  6. Exercise 22.1.5 Tic Tac Toe Board

  7. Exercise 22.1.6 Underlined Name

  8. Challenge 22.1.7 Bubble Letter

  9. 22.2 Creating Shapes

  10. Video 22.2.1 Creating Shapes

  11. Quiz 22.2.2 Shapes and Attributes

  12. Example 22.2.3 Flag of Switzerland

  13. Exercise 22.2.4 Flag of Ukraine

  14. Exercise 22.2.5 Flag of [your choice!]

  15. 22.3 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  16. Video 22.3.1 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  17. Quiz 22.3.2 Creating Graphics Using Variables

  18. Example 22.3.3 Flag of Switzerland Using Variables

  19. Exercise 22.3.4 Flag of Ukraine Using Variables

  20. Exercise 22.3.5 Snowman

  21. Challenge 22.3.6 Ghost

  22. 22.4 Using Functions in Graphics

  23. Video 22.4.1 Using Functions in Graphics

  24. Quiz 22.4.2 Using Functions in Graphics

  25. Example 22.4.3 Forest

  26. Exercise 22.4.4 Vertical Lines

  27. Exercise 22.4.5 Stoplight

  28. Challenge 22.4.6 Ghost Invasion

  29. 22.5 Using Loops in Graphics

  30. Video 22.5.1 Using Loops in Graphics

  31. Quiz 22.5.2 Using Loops in Graphics

  32. Example 22.5.3 Diagonal Checkerboard

  33. Exercise 22.5.4 The Worm

  34. Exercise 22.5.5 Dartboard

  35. Challenge 22.5.6 Sidewalk

  36. 22.6 Graphics Challenges

  37. Challenge 22.6.1 Pyramid

  38. Challenge 22.6.2 Extended Forest

  1. 23.1 Welcome to AP CSP

  2. Video 23.1.1 Welcome to AP CSP

  3. Free Response 23.1.2 Why AP CSP?

  4. 23.2 Introduction to Programming With Karel

  5. Video 23.2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

  6. Check for Understanding 23.2.2 Quiz: Karel Commands

  7. Example 23.2.3 Our First Karel Program

  8. Exercise 23.2.4 Your First Karel Program

  9. Exercise 23.2.5 Short Stack

  10. Debugging 23.2.6 Dancing Karel

  11. 23.3 More Basic Karel

  12. Video 23.3.1 More Basic Karel

  13. Check for Understanding 23.3.2 More Basic Karel Quiz

  14. Example 23.3.3 Tennis Ball Square

  15. Exercise 23.3.4 Make a Tower

  16. Exercise 23.3.5 Pyramid of Karel

  17. Debugging 23.3.6 Go Through the Door

  18. 23.4 Karel Can't Turn Right

  19. Video 23.4.1 Karel Can't Turn Right

  20. Check for Understanding 23.4.2 Karel Can't Turn Right Quiz

  21. Example 23.4.3 Tower and Turn Right

  22. Exercise 23.4.4 Fireman Karel

  23. Exercise 23.4.5 Slide Karel

  24. Free Response 23.4.6 Reflection: Teaching Karel New Commands

  25. Badge 23.4.7 Right Turn Karel Badge

  26. 23.5 Functions in Karel

  27. Video 23.5.1 Functions in Karel

  28. Check for Understanding 23.5.2 Functions in Karel Quiz

  29. Example 23.5.3 Turn Around

  30. Exercise 23.5.4 Pancakes

  31. Exercise 23.5.5 Backflip

  32. Exercise 23.5.6 Digging Karel

  33. Debugging 23.5.7 Build a Shelter

  34. 23.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

  35. Video 23.6.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

  36. Check for Understanding 23.6.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz

  37. Example 23.6.3 Hurdle Karel

  38. Exercise 23.6.4 The Two Towers

  39. Debugging 23.6.5 Make a 'Z'

  40. Free Response 23.6.6 Reflection: Top Down Design

  41. 23.7 Commenting Your Code

  42. Video 23.7.1 Commenting Your Code

  43. Check for Understanding 23.7.2 Commenting Your Code Quiz

  44. Example 23.7.3 Hurdle Karel

  45. Exercise 23.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments

  46. Free Response 23.7.5 Reflection: Commenting

  47. 23.8 Abstraction

  48. Video 23.8.1 Abstraction

  49. Check for Understanding 23.8.2 Abstraction Quiz

  50. Example 23.8.3 Abstracting Away build_tower

  51. Free Response 23.8.4 Abstracting Your Day

  52. Free Response 23.8.5 Reflection: Abstraction

  53. Free Response 23.8.6 Reflection: Abstraction in Karel

  54. 23.9 Super Karel

  55. Video 23.9.1 Super Karel

  56. Check for Understanding 23.9.2 Super Karel Quiz

  57. Example 23.9.3 Hurdle Karel (with SuperKarel)

  58. Exercise 23.9.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel

  59. Badge 23.9.5 Super Karel Badge

  60. 23.10 For Loops

  61. Video 23.10.1 For Loops

  62. Check for Understanding 23.10.2 For Loops Quiz

  63. Example 23.10.3 Repeated Move

  64. Example 23.10.4 Put Down Tennis Balls

  65. Exercise 23.10.5 Take 'em All

  66. Exercise 23.10.6 Dizzy Karel

  67. Exercise 23.10.7 For Loop Square

  68. Exercise 23.10.8 Lots of Hurdles

  69. 23.11 If Statements

  70. Video 23.11.1 If Statements

  71. Check for Understanding 23.11.2 If Statements Quiz

  72. Example 23.11.3 If Statements

  73. Example 23.11.4 Safe Take Ball

  74. Exercise 23.11.5 Is There a Ball?

  75. Survey 23.11.6 Mindsets

  76. 23.12 If/Else Statements

  77. Video 23.12.1 If/Else Statements

  78. Check for Understanding 23.12.2 If/Else Statements Quiz

  79. Example 23.12.3 If/Else Statements

  80. Example 23.12.4 One Ball in Each Spot

  81. Exercise 23.12.5 Right Side Up

  82. Badge 23.12.6 Conditional Karel Badge

  83. 23.13 While Loops in Karel

  84. Video 23.13.1 While Loops in Karel

  85. Check for Understanding 23.13.2 While Loops in Karel Quiz

  86. Example 23.13.3 Move to Wall

  87. Exercise 23.13.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road

  88. Exercise 23.13.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls

  89. Exercise 23.13.6 Big Tower

  90. 23.14 Control Structures Example

  91. Video 23.14.1 Control Structures Example

  92. Check for Understanding 23.14.2 Control Structures Example Quiz

  93. Example 23.14.3 Cleanup Karel

  94. Exercise 23.14.4 Random Hurdles

  95. 23.15 Debugging Strategies

  96. Video 23.15.1 Debugging Basics

  97. Check for Understanding 23.15.2 Debugging Basics

  98. Debugging 23.15.3 Debug: The Two Towers

  99. Debugging 23.15.4 Debug: Lots of Hurdles

  100. Video 23.15.5 Debugging From Error Messages

  101. Check for Understanding 23.15.6 Debugging with Error Messages

  102. Debugging 23.15.7 Debug: Big Tower

  103. Debugging 23.15.8 Debug: Random Hurdles

  104. 23.16 Algorithms

  105. Video 23.16.1 Karel Algorithms

  106. Check for Understanding 23.16.2 Quiz: Which Control Structure?

  107. Video 23.16.3 Algorithms Example: Move Stack

  108. Example 23.16.4 Move Tennis Ball Stack

  109. Example 23.16.5 Climbing Karel

  110. Exercise 23.16.6 Decorate the Fence

  111. 23.17 Ultra Karel

  112. Video 23.17.1 Ultra Karel

  113. Check for Understanding 23.17.2 Ultra Karel Quiz

  114. Example 23.17.3 Red Frame

  115. Example 23.17.4 Slip 'n Slide

  116. Exercise 23.17.5 Invert Colors

  117. Exercise 23.17.6 Checkerboard Karel

  118. Badge 23.17.7 Karel Exercises Badge

  119. 23.18 Karel Challenges

  120. Challenge 23.18.1 Fetch

  121. Challenge 23.18.2 Racing Karel

  122. Challenge 23.18.3 Tower Builder

  123. Challenge 23.18.4 Super Cleanup Karel

  124. Challenge 23.18.5 Double Tennis Balls

  125. Badge 23.18.6 Programming with Karel Bootcamp Badge

  126. 23.19 Introduction to Programming Quiz

  127. Unit Quiz 23.19.1 Introduction to Programming Quiz

  1. 24.1 Practice #1: Basic Python and Console Interactions

  2. Quiz 24.1.1 Quiz: Basic Python and Console Interaction

  3. Notes 24.1.2 Practice #1 Reflection

  4. 24.2 Practice #2: Conditionals

  5. Quiz 24.2.1 Quiz: Conditionals

  6. Notes 24.2.2 Practice #2 Reflection

  7. 24.3 Practice #3: Looping

  8. Quiz 24.3.1 Quiz: Looping

  9. Notes 24.3.2 Practice #3 Reflection

  10. 24.4 Practice #4: Strings

  11. Quiz 24.4.1 Quiz: Strings

  12. Notes 24.4.2 Practice #4 Reflection

  13. 24.5 Practice #5: Functions and Exceptions

  14. Quiz 24.5.1 Quiz: Functions and Exceptions

  15. Notes 24.5.2 Practice #5 Reflection

  16. 24.6 Practice #6: Data Structures

  17. Quiz 24.6.1 Quiz: Data Structures

  18. Notes 24.6.2 Practice #6 Reflection

Introduction to Computer Science in Python - Outline | CodeHS (2024)


What is the introduction of Python in computer science? ›

Python is a dynamic, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) language. There are no type declarations of variables, parameters, functions, or methods in source code. This makes the code short and flexible, and you lose the compile-time type checking of the source code.

Is computer science Python hard? ›

Learning Python can certainly be challenging. However, if you take the step-by-step approach I've outlined here, you'll find that it's much easier than you think. Python is actually considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn.

Is computer science with Python easy? ›

While Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages for a beginner to learn, it can be hard to master.

What version of Python does CodeHS use? ›

We use Python 3.

Why is Python easy for beginners? ›

Python's simplicity and readability also make it easy to understand and modify existing code, which is a valuable skill for any programmer. With Python, even if you're a beginner you can start building useful applications right away, which can be a great motivator to continue learning and improving your skills.

How long does it take to learn Python? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

Is Python enough to get a job? ›

Python alone isn't going to get you a job unless you are extremely good at it. Not that you shouldn't learn it: it's a great skill to have since python can pretty much do anything and coding it is fast and easy. It's also a great first programming language according to lots of programmers.

What is harder Python or C? ›

Python is easier than C to learn. But C helps to learn the fundamentals of programming while Python focuses on doing the job. Because Python is made in C doesn't mean you need to learn it. It is supposed to be an opposite and make a fast learning environment, unlike C.

What is the hardest part of Python? ›

Challenges in learning Python include understanding object-oriented programming, applying knowledge, and recognizing the need to solve problems. However, these challenges can be overcome with targeted learning and practice.

Can I teach myself Python? ›

While Python is one of the easier programming languages to learn, it still requires dedication and practice. The time it takes to learn Python can vary greatly depending on your prior experience with programming, the complexity of the concepts you're trying to grasp, and the amount of time you can dedicate to learning.

Which is harder, Java or Python? ›

Learning Curve: Python is generally considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simplicity, while Java is more complex but provides a deeper understanding of how programming works. Performance: Java has a higher performance than Python due to its static typing and optimization by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Is Python harder than C++? ›

If you're already familiar with C++ then you will probably find Python quite easy to learn as it is a lot simpler and requires less research and practice to use.

What code is Python written in? ›

The Python interpreter is called “CPython” and it's written in the C programming language. This is the default implementation for Python. In the following sections, you will understand how the Python interpreter works behind the scenes.

Which Python version is best for coding? ›

Python 3 is the best version of Python nowadays. Going for it is the safest choice, especially for novel programmers. Since its stop of support, Python 2 is rapidly running out of steam, and more and more companies are migrating their code to Python 3.

Where can Python code be written? ›

There are many options out there but possible ones are:
  • Visual Studio Code.
  • Spyder.
  • Notepad++
  • PyCharm.
  • Emacs.
  • Vim.

What is Python used for in computer science? ›

Python is often used as a support language for software developers, for build control and management, testing, and in many other ways. SCons for build control.

What is computer science with Python? ›

Python is a general-purpose, interpretive programming language, meaning developers can use it for nearly anything. However, developers use Python most frequently for the following applications: Web Development: As the program of choice for web development, Python offers readability and security.

What is the best introduction to Python? ›

Top 10 Free Python Courses
  1. Google's Python Class. ...
  2. Microsoft's Introduction to Python Course. ...
  3. Introduction to Python Programming by Udemy. ...
  4. Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners by freeCodeCamp. ...
  5. Learn Python 3 From Scratch by Educative. ...
  6. Python for Everybody by Coursera. ...
  7. Learn Python 2 by Codecademy.

What is Python in simple words? ›

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics developed by Guido van Rossum. It was originally released in 1991. Designed to be easy as well as fun, the name "Python" is a nod to the British comedy group Monty Python.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.