How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (2024)

Sometimes runners like to add a little flavor to the challenge of running. Enter the Spartan Race, a type of obstacle course race in which competitors must run, lift, climb, crawl, balance, throw, jump, and carry to complete the race distance, and you’ll do just that. Tall walls, heavy objects, mud, barbed wire, and sometimes fire, are involved in Spartan Races.

If training for a running race is confusing enough, what about how to train for a Spartan Race and be prepared to army crawl under barbed wire and throw your bodies over logs?

We’re here to help! We got with Spartan Race expert Heather Hart, an ACSM certified exercise physiologist and RRCA certified running coach, who has competed in and trained athletes in obstacle course races for more than a decade.

In this article we will cover:

  • What is a Spartan Race?
  • How to choose the right Spartan Race for you
  • How long should you train for a Spartan Race?
  • How to train for a Spartan Race.
  • Why should someone do a Spartan Race?
  • Common Spartan Race mistakes to avoid
  • Spartan Race Day Tips
  • 3 Spartan Race workouts and training schedule

So, let’s get started!

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (1)

What is a Spartan Race?

The Spartan Race is an obstacle course race with various distances and challenges. It was founded by Joe DeSena, an endurance event competitor and serial entrepreneur, in 2007.

The different Spartan Race distances include:

  • The Spartan Sprint (3-5 miles and 20 obstacles)
  • The Spartan Super ( 6-8 miles and 25 obstacles)
  • The Spartan Beast (13-15 miles)
  • The Ultra Beast (31+ miles, 60 obstacles)

How do you choose the right Spartan race for your first race?

There are three main considerations when choosing a Spartan Race:

  1. Look at the distance. Start narrowing your Spartan Race down by choosing a distance you are comfortable with.
  2. Look at the terrain. Many of these races are run on rugged terrain such as ski mountains or all-terrain courses PLUS obstacles.
  3. Look at the elevation loss and gain. Spartan Races commonly include giant climbs and descents on black diamond ski mountains. This is very slow going and physically demanding, says Hart.
How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (2)


How long should you train for a Spartan race?

Assuming you have a baseline of fitness, you should train for at least one month for a Spartan Race with strength training moves that build your upper body and grip strength.

Ideally, you would train for two to three months for a Spartan race to adequately prepare for the challenge.

What can you expect at your first Spartan race?

At a Spartan Race, Hart says that:

  • You can expect to get absolutely filthy.
  • You can expect to get mud in places you never thought you would.
  • You can expect to probably get cut up/scraped up a bit.
  • MOST people can expect to find themselves face to face with something that makes them physically or mentally uncomfortable (likely both).
  • You can expect to have a ton of fun.
How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (3)

Why do people love Spartan Races?

Spartan Races and other obstacle course races are popular because they push you both mentally and physically.

“The first time I climbed up and over an 8-foot wall, or to the top of a rope climb over a mud pit, I remember thinking ‘this is kind of scary, I could slip and fall at any moment…but hell yeah, I DID IT,’” shared Hart. “There’s a huge sense of confidence that comes with accomplishing tough tasks that you weren’t sure you were capable of.”

Plus, you get to splash in mud and climb over things, making you feel like a kid again which is “a ton of fun!”

How To train for a Spartan Race

Now that you’ve selected which Spartan Race you are going to participate in, how on Earth do you train for one? You break your training into 3 main components to cover the distance, handle the terrain, and conquer the obstacles.

  1. Cover the distance: First thing’s first, Spartan Races are still running races, so train to cover the distance the same you would for a half marathon or marathon, says Hart.
  2. Train for the terrain: Because most of the races happen on trails, ensure your training includes trail running and running through fields and mud.
  3. Build your upper body: You must also train for the obstacles by strengthening your upper body. Many of the obstacles include climbing over walls, climbing up ropes, carrying heavy sandbags or buckets, etc.Lift heavy things and focus on grip strength as well, advises Hart.

Finally, practice those burpees! Failed obstacles are penalized by 30 burpees before you go on. Some Spartan races have volunteers counting your burpees while others are on the honor system.

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (4)

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What does a typical training week look like for a Spartan Race?

How to train for a Spartan Race together running, trail running, and strength training. Below is what a typical Spartan Race training week for a beginner obstacle course racer:

  • 3-4 days of running workouts: Most runs are done in heart rate zones one and two to build endurance. At least one workout is a harder effort. Depending on where the athlete is in the training cycle, these workouts will focus on building aerobic capacity, hill strength, speed, etc. Don’t forget to run trails!
  • 3 days of strength training: This strength training can be done at home. Some gyms even have actual Spartan type equipment, like walls, ropes, etc.

The volume and intensity of the training increase with the competitiveness of the racer.

Related: Your Complete Strength Training Guide

3 Spartan Race Workouts

Hart recommends the following three Spartan Race workouts. Tailor these workouts to your fitness and event but don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable. Push yourself to do things outside your comfort zone like new strength workouts or running with wet feet to amplify your confidence for race day.

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (5)

#1: The HSEC OCR Ranger Run

Alternate an interval of running with a bodyweight specific strength or plyometric workout, for the given distance/or time of the total workout. This is best done on trail, if possible.

An example workout:

  1. Run for 0.25 miles
  2. Perform 30 burpees
  3. Run for 0.25 miles
  4. Perform 20 pushups
  5. Run for 0.25 miles
  6. Perform 15 jump squats…and so on.Get creative!

#2: Weighted Hill Workout

Use a longer hill (that you can run at least 30 seconds up), and some sort of weight to hold in your hand like a sandbag, a bucket full of sand, etc.

After a thorough warm-up:

1) Run hard (but consistent) to the top of the hill (30-45 seconds, ideally)

2) Jog back down the hill

3) Pick up your weight, and now hike to the top of the hill

4) Hike the weight back down to the starting point

5) Recover for 2 minutes.

Repeat the above for desired time or distance.

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (6)

#3: Strength Specific Workout

For Spartan athletes, we recommend using free weights (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.) instead of machines if possible to help with grip strength. Find a weight that you can safely and properly complete 6-10 repetitions, for 3-6 sets, with about 1-2 minutes rest between sets.

  1. Chest press or bench press
  2. Bent over row
  3. Goblet Squat
  4. Single Leg RDL
  5. Farmer Carry
  6. Plank weighted pull throughs
How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (7)

Sample Spartan Race Training Schedule

Now that you have the workouts, how to train for a Spartan Race correctly also includes a well-organized schedule:

  • Monday – Strength workout
  • Tuesday – HSEC OCR Ranger Run
  • Wednesday – Strength workout
  • Thursday – Run with hill repeats
  • Friday – Strength Workout
  • Saturday – Long run on trails
  • Sunday – Total rest

3 Common Spartan Race mistakes to avoid:

Underestimate the challenge. Hart says many first-timers will sign up for a Spartan Sprint, and assume it’s akin to one of the more “fun mud runs”, with inflatable obstacles, and more of a party scene. Spartan races are more intense so be sure to do your homework on the obstacles and course!

Being underprepared. Be sure you can cover the distance. Don’t just focus on being able to clear the obstacles but able to run the miles as well.

Under-fueling. Just like with a running race, you need to prepare your hydration and nutrition. These races can take twice as long as a road race of equal distance, warns Hart. Be sure you are prepared to fuel for the total amount of time on your feet.

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (8)

Related: The Benefits of a 2-week Detraining Period

3 Spartan Race Day tips

Wear form-fitting, sweat-wicking clothing. You may not want to get your nice athletic clothes muddy, but Hart cautions against wearing old cotton clothes. These get heavy and will weigh you down and get caught on barbed wire, walls, and other obstacles.

Leave your expensive stuff at home. Everything is going to get caked in mud so leave everything at home, including that GPS watch!

Run with a team. Hart says racing as a team will make the experience more fun and help you push through tough obstacles.

Now that you know how to train for a Spartan Race, let’s get going!

We’d love to help you with your next running goals whether it’s how to train for a Spartan Race, a good old road race, or an ultra! Check out our training resources for the half marathon, marathon, ultra marathon, and beyond.

How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (9)
How To Train For A Spartan Race: Training Guide + 3 Surefire Workouts (2024)


Is 3 months enough time to train for a Spartan race? ›

How long should you train for a Spartan? Ideally, you should be following a spartan race training plan for at least 8-12 weeks before your Spartan challenge. This is to give you enough time to build stamina as well as upper body strength.

How to train for OCR? ›

You'll want to combine long runs with intervals, to keep yourself in top shape and to ready yourself for the varied nature of OCR. Most competitors do at least 3-5 sessions a week, alternating their days of running with strength and event-specific training. Some elite OCR athletes bump up to 5-6 times a week.

How long does it take to train for Spartan Trifecta? ›

Over the course of 14 days of training, you'll want to run the distance six to eight times. And again, make sure to work on OCR-specific strength training throughout. You likely will never "fail" at a heavy carry, but they will definitely slow you down if you don't train appropriately.

Is the Spartan race harder than Tough Mudder? ›

How would you say WTM compares to your toughest Spartan race? With Tough Mudder, the rigs involve more technicality and maneuvering through compared to Spartan. Spartan's obstacles can be more grueling and time consuming, such as a good heavy carry or tough obstacle combo.

Can the average person do a Spartan race? ›

You don't have to be elite. You don't have to be ripped, with boulder shoulders and uprooted tree trunk legs. The people at the top of their game in obstacle course racing and Spartan events are incredible. They train relentlessly and battle it out through mud, sweat, and tears to reach the top.

When should I stop training before a Spartan race? ›

Your taper period should last anywhere from one to three weeks, depending on the intensity of the race you're running. For a Sprint or Stadion race (5K, 20 obstacles), plan on five days to a week. For a Super (10K, 25 obstacles) or Beast (21K, 30 obstacles), give yourself about two weeks.

Am I too old to do a Spartan race? ›

The racer must be 14 years of age on race day, no exceptions are provided for anyone under 14 years of age to run the adult race on race day. The maximum age is 99 in the continental U.S.

Do you have to do burpees in Spartan race? ›

In case you are not a top elite Spartan racer, even they fail obstacles, you need to be ready to do burpees.

What is the best practice for OCR? ›

Best practices on OCR with Content Analyzer
  • Quality. First, a document should have clear and machine written text. ...
  • Size. Content Analyzer supports processing of files up to 250 MB. ...
  • Format. ...
  • Fonts. ...
  • DPI settings. ...
  • Character substitution. ...
  • Performance. ...
  • Summary.

How are OCR models trained? ›

Use the trainOCR function to train an OCR model and configure the training options using the ocrTrainingOptions function. Optionally, for faster performance, you can quantize the trained models using the quantizeOCR function, but this can decrease the accuracy of the model.

What are the requirements for OCR? ›

Characters must be hand-printed with separate characters in boxes. Scanning speed will be determined by the quality of the scanner machines, the size of non-drop out color. Paper quality, cleanness, weights, Right setting of the OCR system. The recognizing process is to interpret images.

What is the most difficult Spartan race? ›

The Spartan Ultra is our hardest obstacle course race, and the ultimate test of endurance. The course is 50K (just over 31 miles) and pits you against 60 obstacles. The distance is daunting, the obstacles are relentless, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

What is the easiest Spartan race? ›

The Spartan Sprint is the easiest option with 5 kilometers of 20 different obstacles. Expect to encounter lots of mud, water, and all kinds of challenges along the way.

How to train for Spartan race beginner? ›

Recommended workout

Find a hill that takes 40-60 sec to run up, go easy back down, and complete 10 push ups, 15 squats, and 20 jumping lunges. Take a one min break to recover and go again, repeat this 8-10 times. This will simulate obstacles and hills together to better prepare your body.

The Optimal Spartan Race Training Plan ...4legsfitness.com ›

Spartan races and obstacle course races (OCRs) are tough types of races that test various different aspects of fitness. This makes the right race preparation pa...
In Ancient Greece, the Spartans were worshipped for their physical and mental strength. The soldiers' life began in their infancy; weak babies had no place ...
When I started my first Spartan Race Training program, I was a co*cky runner. Like every endurance athlete who has worked in the past of some level of success, i...

How do you train your body like a Spartan? ›

The Regimen to Train Like a Spartan
  1. 25 reps of Pull-ups.
  2. 50 reps of Deadlift at 135lbs.
  3. 50 reps of Push-ups.
  4. 50 reps of Box jumps with a 24” box.
  5. 50 reps of Floor wipers at 135lbs.
  6. 50 reps of Kettlebell Clean and Press at 36lbs (with the kettlebell touching the floor in between reps)
  7. 25 reps of Pull-ups.
Feb 1, 2022

How do you train to be a Spartan? ›

Joe De Sena's Spartan Race Training: How to Prepare for the 21K Beast
  1. 12 to 9 Weeks to Race Day. Run 5 miles, once a week. ...
  2. 9 to 6 Weeks to Race Day. Run 7 miles, twice a week. ...
  3. 6 to 3 Weeks to Race Day. Run 8 miles, three times a week. ...
  4. 3 to 0 Weeks to Race Day. Run 5 miles, four times per week (Weeks 3, 2, and 1 only)
Jun 21, 2022

Am I fit enough to do a Spartan race? ›

Stauffer says that most endurance athletes can handle a Spartan race with no problem. You don't necessarily have to run the course if you don't want to (walking is totally allowed!), but you do have to cover some distance. If you already do that on the regular, you're good to go.

How do I prepare for my first Spartan race? ›

Bodyweight movements like pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, and jump squats will help you with obstacles and muscular endurance as you navigate the course. Things like monkey bars, rings, wall climbs, and rope climbs are easier when you are strong at calisthenics exercises.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.